Managing your RRIF withdrawals effectively

In retirement, every dollar you save in tax is more money to support your lifestyle. We’ve got ways to save tax by strategically making Registered Retirement Income Fund (RRIF) withdrawals....

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Summary of Market Events April 2022

Investors continued to grapple with sticky inflation, tightening central bank policy, high oil prices and geopolitical tensions throughout April. Here’s a summary of the notable events that steered the markets....

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What to do when retirement approaches

Do you want to retire with financial tasks and to-dos or financial peace of mind? Take these wealth planning measures in the years ahead and retire comfortably....

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Retirement and the “where” factor

Closing your eyes and envisioning where you’ll retire might seem like a flight of fancy. Find out why it’s actually a constructive retirement planning exercise....

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Investing in the home stretch

When retirement approaches, you want to play it safe and protect your nest egg. But you also need to support a retirement that will last decades. We’ve got ways to solve this dilemma....

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When should you start CPP/QPP and OAS benefits?

Start government benefits sooner and you collect a smaller monthly benefit, but right away and for a longer time. Delay the start and you receive a larger monthly benefit, but must bridge the waiting period with other resources. Knowing when to start...

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Retirement plans changing? Evaluate and pivot

There are countless situations and life events that could make you alter your retirement plans. But there are four ways to react to those changes and fulfill your retirement dreams....

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Can you retire earlier?

You don’t have to win the lottery. Find out the more common reasons why some people may consider retiring earlier than planned....

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When should you open a RRIF?

It’s all about the tax. Find out why opening a Registered Retirement Income Fund (RRIF) either during your 60s or at age 71 can provide a tax break now or save tax over the long term....

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What’s your retirement personality?

If you take a minute to think about any retired individuals or couples you know of, you’ll probably note a variety of different retirement lifestyles and personalities....

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